Fee Structure

Fee Structure

School Fees 2023-24

Admission Fee Details

DescriptionNew StudentsOld Students
Admission Charges18000.000
Annual Charges & Exam Assignment11800.0011800.00

Primary to 12th Fee Structure

GradeTerm 1Term2Term 3Term 4
KG to 1st9150.009150.009150.009150.00
2nd 9750.009750.009750.009750.00
3rd to 5th10050.0010050.0010050.0010050.00
7th & 8th10650.0010650.0010650.0010650.00
9th & 10th13800.0013800.0013800.0013800.00
11th & 12th23100.0023100.0023100.0023100.00

Hostel Fee

DescriptionNew StudentsOld Students
Admission Charges10000.005000
Accommodation & Food Charges9200.00/mo9200.00/mo

Fees is payable on quarterly basis on following Account:
K.C.M. World School
A/c No-073405001529
IfSC Code -ICIC0000734
ICICI Bank, Palwal

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