Boarding Facilities

Boarding Facilities

We provides the best education with social and cultural values

KCM WORLD SCHOOL has on campus , centrally air-conditioned hostels (separate for boys & girls). Each room is shared between 4 students. The common room comes complete with individual study tables and reading table. All rooms have network ports and high speed network/internet access. Bed linen and blankets or duvets are also provided.

Each floor of the hostel has residential staff who make sure that everything runs smoothly and looks after the welfare of the students. With regard to security, it is world class, with fire sprinklers/ fire alarms, smoke detectors at regular intervals. Students have access to a tuck shop for their day to day needs. The Dining Hall and Fitness Centre are just walking distance from the boarders’ rooms.

Boarding Charges

ANNUAL BOARDING CHARGES : Rs. 1,12,000/- (Lodeing & boarding).

NOTE: if fee is not paid before last date of payment, late fee of Rs. 20 will be charged upto 7 days after due date. Thereafter, Rs. 50 will be charged per day. If fee is not paid for one month after the due date, name of the student will be struck off the rolls.

Dining Hall

J4U – Dining Hall has a seating capacity of approximately 100 students. The J4U serves breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. The bright red and white décor adds to the cheerful ambience. The J4U serves north Indian, south Indian. Chinese, Continental and variety of other cuisines.

The menu is set by expert dieticians and cooked on campus maintinaing stringent quality controls. Juices and organically cultivated fruits, vegetables and eggs are also part of the menu. Mechanical Dish washers and waste disposal systems guarantee a hygienic experience. Music System, Plasmas are installed in the dining hall for the entertainment of the students. Chilled R.O. water is served to the students and the same is used for cooking purposes.

Home away from Home

For Boarding students the House father or House mother is the effective guardian caring for each small group of 8 students. They inspect the bedrooms and studies, and check the student’s diet, personal hygiene, skin and hair care, the availability of toiletries and the condition of clothes.

They are regularly in contact with the academic staff to monitor the academics of the boarders. The House Parents keep in close touch with the parents by telephonic conversation or other means. House Parents are supported by an extended medical and housekeeping team.


  • All the hostellers are provided with a book shop, uniform shop and a canteen for their daily needs.
  • The notice board is provided in the hostel to keep the students informed about any instruction / decision of the management in their regard.
  • The barber,cobbler, tailor will visit the hostel once in two weeks.
  • The students will be provided telephone facility only on Sundays from 8.00AM to 3.00PM.
  • An identity card will be issued to each boarder student and their parents. The parents are not permitted to meet the boarder without the identity card.

Hostellers Kit

Each student must maintain his kit properly. Boarder’s serial number must be mentioned on their uniforms and shoes.

Particulars Quantity
Warming up shoes1 Pairs
School Uniform Shirt & Trouser2 Pairs
Sports Uniform2 Pairs

List of items to be carried by boarders from home.

Undergarments2 Pairs
Lock With Key Ring1
Soap Dish1
Bath Soap2
Washing Soap2
White Sheet1 Pair
Bed Sheet2
Sports Shoes1
Water Bottle1
Sports Uniform2 Pairs
Nail Cutter1

Time Schedule

Wake Up5.30 – 6.00 AM
Morning Pt/drill6.00 – 7.15 AM
Morning Chores7.15 – 8.00 AM
Breakfast7.30 AM
Breakfast8.00 to 12.20 PM
School Hours12.20 – 12.45 PM
Lunch12.45 – 3.00 PM
School Hours3.00 4.15 PM
Evening Prep
Evening Chores
Self Study

Toilet Items

Soap With Soap Case2
Tooth Brush With Toothpaste1
Nail Cutter1
Hair Oil & Mirror1
Shaving Kit (If Required)1
Shoe Polish Brush1
Floaters1 Pairs

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