Chairman’s Message

Chairman’s Message




I still remember the days in the year 2001, when we had first thought of venturing into education. As this was a totally new field for us, the only way to learn was to become students once again. And after studying and contemplating various education systems both in India and abroad, emerged an education model to which we gave a name – “KCM – a pathway to success”.

Why a world school? My belief about being ‘world’ is to study the cultures of various societies to pick up good aspects and imbibe them in ours, and this is the approach we have here at KCMWS complimented by teachers and students from diverse cultures.

The other aspects that we lay a strong emphasis upon are strong Human and Social Values. One has to be compassionate and maintain receptivity and respect for different opinions. After all, these are the pivotal traits that can make the world a better place.

We always believe in standing by our beliefs and never resting on our laurels, because we seek to enhance upon what we have already achieved. We are proud of the heights we have achieved, but there are loftier peaks to scale. The school seeks your optimum cooperation and support at all times to achieve our high standards.

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