Boarding Rules

Boarding Rules

Our boarding rules and regulations

Visiting hour schedule

Visitors will meet their wards in the visiting room only. They are not allowed to enter the rooms of the Boarder.

Parents / guardians can meet their ward only on 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.

  • The Boarder should follow the daily routine of the hostel as per the rules and regulations of the school.
  • No Boarder will be allowed to stay back in the room except for the timings of resting as mentioned in the schedule.
  • No Boarder is allowed to keep money with him. The money should be deposited in the school bank for personal expenditure.
  • No Boarder is allowed to keep any medicine with him without the prescription of the Medical Officer of the school.
  • No Boarder is allowed to keep mobile, i-pod, i-pad in his possession in his room.
  • All the Boarder should write a letter to their parent every week. The same should be handed over to the hostel warden for posting at home.
  • No visitors will be allowed to meet the Boarder other than during the visiting hours mentioned in the visiting schedule.
  • No Boarder are allowed to keep any eatables in their cupboards.
  • No Boarder will organize any kind of meeting in the hostel premises to unite the students for any kind of violative thoughts.
  • All Boarder should respect each other’s belongings.
  • No Boarder should have the habit of smoking, consuming alcohol or any kind of pan masala.
  • No Boarder will practice castesism or communalism in the school.
  • The Boarders will leave the school premises only after filling up the Student Gate Pass and handing over to the hostel warden.
  • All the Boarders will be provided with an individual bed, cupboard, study table, chair. The maintenance of the same will be the personal responsibility of the student.
  • Each boarder must maintain utmost cleanliness and make sure that the floor under his bed is clean. Waste paper and refuse must be thrown in the dustbins.
  • Boarders will make their own beds each morning. Nothing should be left on the bed or under the bed.
  • Cupboards must be arranged neatly. Surprise check will be made by the hostel wardens.
  • Any extra item found by the hostel warden, other than those specified in the hostel kit will be confiscated. Shoes should be arranged neatly in the last shelf of the cupboard.
  • Keeping eatables in the room are unhygienic and are prohibited.
  • Boarders must spend the minimum time required in the washroom, to give others a chance to use them. They must make sure that they close the tap tightly after use.

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